

六歲男童 : (用逐個字凳出黎果D小朋友話問) Teacher, where is your baby??

我 : My baby is right here! ( 指住個肚) He's in my Tummy ~

男童 : (碌大眼) Oh, in here??

我 : Yea~ in here~

男童 :  (再碌大眼) Oh!  You ate him?? This morning??

我 : 

  I didn't eat my baby…

男童 : Then why your baby is in your Tummy?

我 :   um….. because he is growing up here for his first 9 months….

男童 : Oh! He will be one year old when he is born…. (點計架呢下? -___-""  )

我 : No no no, he will be 1 day old when he is born…

男童 : um… (攤大手) I dont have a baby… (就咁行左去)


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